Case Stories

Presented cases where CompEval can support you, explained in practice

Introduction to CompEval

Whitepaper that Introduce the concept of CompEval and how it is working and how it can help you as a user, supplier or consulant that wants to improve your blower and the aeration process around  

Unlocking Optimal Energy efficiency

A case story showing how you would benefit with compEval during long term period where trends indicate  clogging and wear on the mechanical equipment and the energy cost created 

5 step proces to visualize savings on your blower

This case story shows how you proactive before investment of new blowers can calculate the energy savings by improving the efficiency by realtime data. Convert to energy and include investement and by that the payback time by investing in new blowers.

Aeration Energy optimization study of 2 cities with multistage technology

Two case studies where sites was investigated with current setup and theoretical converted to potential energy savings installing more efficient blowers and aeration control.