CompEval offers a full package of services from collecting the data to the long term energy commitment 

1. Consultancy, Onsite inspection and dialog

We come on site, to evaluate what you need of equipment to have the best visualization of improvements that includes a general training on how to evaluate potentail energy optimisations on the aeartion process

A consultancy would include but not limit to:

  • Blower room inspection
  • Design Vs Running condition
  • Process alignment check
  • Blower alignment
  • Process and Blower alignment
  • Check for already installed transmitters
  • Potential equipment to be optimized
  • Training and dialog

2. Collecting the data:

To get a good understanding of potential improvements realtime data is vital for you to make a judgement of validation. In some cases realtime data are not obtainable due to missing sensors on the process equipment. Due to critical infastructure not able to be sent in the cloud. in both cases CompEval can offer a full package including the needed Hardware, to a closed loop system not interfearing with existing SCADA ot similar control system.

Below is a basic sensor setup that is needed to make the realtime data and the Energy Audit on the mechanical aeration system with focus around flow, pressure and mechanical losses.

More sensors can be added to make to allocated exactly what equipment that needs optimization

installering af Transmitters
Setup data opsamling #1
Setup data opsamling #2
Setup data opsamling #3

3. Visualize Energy savings:

A nice simple user friendly interface is needed to have a good experience and overview to vizualise energy savings on the Mechanical Aeration of the wastewater treatment. CompEval can be linked to the SCADA system, a local build panel or the cloud whatever the client requries, the important point is the user of CompEval has easy access and a overview to use and get the information required.

Below you see an overview showing the equipment and the potential optimization, coloured with green yellow and red giving visual information if it is recommended to make investment based on payback time or not. The platform can be costumized for the user to be focused on specific areas.   

CompEval visualize the potential energy savings on:


  • Blowers (full package)
    • Utilizing drive motor
    • Transmission
  • Control Valves
  • Pipesystem
  • Blower building
    • Inlet Temperature
    • Inlet pressure
  • Inlet Filter

Automation & control:

  • Master Blower control 
  • Valve Control
  • Process control

Oxygen Transfer Efficiency:

  • Transfer to dissolved oxygen
  • Water depth
  • Control (DO/amunium)

4. Reporting and Documentation 

CompEval platform will document and validate the potential data for energy savings in the platform for the user to always go in and costumize the analyse specific for their needs from the raw realtime data, to the converted energy savings and